Aug 19, 2013

I Made the Cover!!! Ahhhh No Way!!!

Be sure to pick up your copy at Barnes and Noble! There is a tutorial on how I create my art as well as a story about how Ophelia was born inside!


  1. That is so great! I LOVE your work,

    1. Thank you Dawn! It's so much fun to create. :)

  2. I have been in love with Ophelia since I first met her in the Somerset Studio January, 2012 issue. So when I saw her on the cover of the latest Somerset Studio, I had to buy that one too. You have created a style uniquely your own and it has struck a chord with many people. I just ordered Ophelia Under the Day Moon and I eagerly await its arrival.

    I just started a blog called Flying by Moonlight and I want to start recommending books, blogs and magazines I particularly like. May I recommend Ophelia and use the cover picture in my blog?

    1. Hi Linda,
      Sorry if I have not gotten back to you. Things were very busy for a while. I now have a job as an Editor for a magazine so I had to adjust to the new lifestyle. I would be honored if you shared Ophelia on your blog. I went to visit it and you have lovely things posted. I couldn't find an email to contact you on there. I hope this reaches you. Thank you so much for your kind words. :)
